Regulatory toxicology III
– SWACCS seminar series on how regulatory bodies and agencies are working and interacting in the risk assessment and risk management areas of chemicals safety
SWACCs is continuing the seminar series on how regulatory agencies include scientific information in their work and how scientists can support regulatory work. The first part (Reg Tox I) “kicked off” 2022/23 with presentations from three Swedish agencies (Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate, Swedish Food Agency, Swedish Environment Protection Agency). The second part continued during (Reg Tox II) 2023/24 and focused on the European level with presentations from European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), European Commission, European Environment Agency (EEA), World Health Organisation-Europe (WHO-Europe) and the NGO Chemsec. The slides of all presentations are available on SWACCS web pages
We are now continuing this seminar series as Reg Tox III with following two presentations during the autumn 2024:
15 October 2024: 13.00-14.00
Cecilia Berg (Swedish Medical Products Agency)
Environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals and the use of research data - A regulatory perspective
Dr. Berg has a PhD and is docent in ecotoxicology, Uppsala University. The year 2001-2002 she held a postdoctoral position at the EU Commission Joint Research Centre, at the European Chemicals Bureau (predecessor of European Chemicals Agency ECHA), in Ispra, Italy. She worked for 20 years at Uppsala University as a principal investigator and managed a research group within the area of experimental ecotoxicology and toxicology. Together with several PhD students and numerous MSc students her group developed a frog model to investigate developmental endocrine and reproductive toxicity as well as transgenerational toxicity.
In parallel, she worked as a teacher in ecotoxicology and toxicology at the MSc program of Environmental toxicology, Uppsala university. She has had several assignments as advisor or expert for national and European governmental agencies. Since the last couple of years she has a position at the Medical Products Agency as a non-clinical assessor in the Department of Efficacy and Safety.
On Zoom:
Meeting-ID: 620 6298 9145
Passcode: 964612
26 November 2024: 13.00-14.00
Britt-Marie Larsson (Swedish Work Environment Authority)
General presentation of the Swedish Work Environment Authority with a focus on the area of chemicals
Britt-Marie Larsson has a PhD from the Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institute. Her research work mostly focused on inflammatory effects in the human airways by different types of particle exposure. She has also been working as an occupational hygienist at the Centre for Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Region Stockholm. From 2016 she is working as a senior scientific officer at the Swedish Work Environment Authority at the unit for chemistry, microbiology and toxicology. She is also scientific secretary in the Nordic Expert Group for Criteria Documentation of Health Risks from Chemicals (NEG).
Meeting ID: 673 8595 5369
Passcode: 047051