SWACCS December workshop 2024
Interdisciplinary collaboration for a safe and sustainable future
Örebro University invites to the workshop December 10-11, lunch to lunch
Location: Örebro University, P204 Prismahuset
Day 1 (13:00-17:00)
13-13:15 Welcome
13:15 Perspectives on interdisciplinary collaboration for a safe and sustainable future – How to optimize research and societal interaction?
Presentations by RECETOX representative (Dr. Martin Scheringer (Masaryk University, Brno; ETH, Zürich, Scheringer_pdf1), Stockholm Resilience Center, SU (TBA) and Platform for sustainable future, ORU (Frans Prenkert, ORU)
14:00 Questions and remarks to the panelists.
14:15 – 15:05 Start of WS with refreshments
15:15 Reporting back and an interactive open discussion
15:45 Leg strecher
16:00 Case studies/projects
WATCH Research school, Dr. Ida Andersson (ORU); Biosphere programs and initiatives - Experiences (TBA); New technology challenges, wind (Dr. Helen Karlsson (LiU)/Dr. Joachim Sturwe (GU).
17:00-ish End of the day 1
Joint dinner (at our own cost)
Day 2
08:30-10 Societal Competence Provision Needs in Risk Assessment and Communication
Presentation of the stakeholder competence needs in the Nordics (TBA) incl. the life-long learning perspective (Dr. Jana Jass, ORU). Followed by time for group discussions. The groups will receive questions to discuss for 60 minutes and then we have feedback at 10 with in plenum discussion for in total 30 min.
10:30-11:0 Break
11:00 Chemical pollution in focus: UN Science to Policy Platform, Dr. Martin Scheringer (Chair of International Panel on Chemical Pollution (IPCP))
Open In Plenum discussion
12:00 End of WS
Kind regards,
Organising team at Örebro university
(Jana Jass, Nikolai Scherbak, Åke Bergman, Leo Yeung and Ingrid Ericson Jogsten)