SWACCS Junior Academy Workshop (JAWS)

When: 26-27 August 2021

Where: Online

Who: Ph.D. students / early-career and senior researchers working in all fields related to chemicals, health, and the environment.

What: A workshop organized by the Swedish Academic Consortium on Chemical Safety (SWACCS) and Umeå University, offering scientific seminars, extensive networking opportunities, and an occasion to learn more about visualizing and communicating your science.

Why: Because networking is fun; communicating your science effectively is one of the most meaningful things to learn; meeting other junior and senior researchers and telling them about your research opens up new opportunities; as a Ph.D. student, you can get credits; The Swedish society of toxicology (SFT) prices and memberships to the best posters and speakers; and so much more…

How: All you need to do is to become a member of SWACCS, join here. Registration information will be sent out later this spring.


Day 1, Aug 26:

09:00-16:00 Workshop/course on “How to make a graphical abstract” (0.5 credit)

17:00 Online social event

Day 2, Aug 27:

09:00-12:00 Morning session. Keynote lectures by Dr. Maria Wennberg from Umeå University "Using human biobanks for studies of environmental pollutants and disease" and Dr. Jessica Legradi from Free University of Amsterdam ''Zebrafish as a systems toxicology model for developmental neurotoxicity''. Followed by short talks given by junior speakers selected among applicants.
12.45-16.00 Afternoon session. Poster session with awards granted by the Swedish society for toxicology (SFT), discussion groups on current issues in toxicology, JAWS meeting (optional)